Often I hear real estate agents complain that they have worked weeks, months, even years with a client only to have “their” deal killed by the home inspection or the home inspector. Statistics show that 15-25% of sales do not go through after a home inspection. So are home inspectors at fault, or, are there are other issues that led to the terminated contract? I want to look into all these issues more closely and offer possible solutions. As a licensed home inspector who has worked with countless real estate agents in the past 27 years, I know there are several things that can lead to a canceled sale. Some home inspectors can be overzealous, especially new inspectors who may have expertise in one aspect of home construction, but lacks experience in others. For example, a former HVAC technician who became a home inspector, would be more critical of HVAC installations, or a former roofing contractor more critical of roof details, etc. Sometimes, an overzealous inspection can be rel...
Here we answer questions from you and other consumers about your home, the home’s mechanical systems and any other thing that effects your home. We also discuss other questions and issues related to the home inspection process.