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Showing posts from June, 2020

The Real Reasons Home Inspections Kill Deals

Often I hear real estate agents complain that they have worked weeks, months, even years with a client only to have “their” deal killed by the home inspection or the home inspector. Statistics show that 15-25% of sales do not go through after a home inspection. So are home inspectors at fault, or, are there are other issues that led to the terminated contract? I want to look into all these issues more closely and offer possible solutions. As a licensed home inspector who has worked with countless real estate agents in the past 27 years, I know there are several things that can lead to a canceled sale. Some home inspectors can be overzealous, especially new inspectors who may have expertise in one aspect of home construction, but lacks experience in others. For example, a former HVAC technician who became a home inspector, would be more critical of HVAC installations, or a former roofing contractor more critical of roof details, etc. Sometimes, an overzealous inspection can be rel...